Contact ( EN / DE / KR )

Minho Jung ( He / Him )

I love making illustrations, graphic novels and comics.
I use digital illustration to convey the meaning of the text.
And I try new methods to find out my own visual voice.

I studied communication design at Seoul National University of Technology and Science. 
Then I moved to Mainz, Germany to study illustration. After finishing the Master program, I moved to Berlin to work as a freelancer illustrator.

Now I'm staying in Seoul, South Korea.

Selected Client

Amherst Magazine

Believer Magazine

Business Spotlight

Das Magazin

East Asia Publisher


Elemental, Medium

Fachhochschule Mainz

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

FOCUS Magazin

Goethe Institute Korea

Missy Magazine

Midas Book

Nabiclub Korea

Popshot Magazine

Saarbrücken History Museum

So Young Magazine

The Verge

The New York Times


I hate the Sun! - Graphic Novel

Hallo, Kevin! - Graphic Novel


New Blood : The Portfolios, Editor X

GINCO Award : "I hate the Sun!" nomination

3x3 show no.13 : Honorable mention

The Korean society of illustration award


The Korean society of illustrator show

Korea illustration fair, group show

BAMA, group show, die Kulturei, Mainz